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Ethiopia Forums Ludicrous World THE OROMO LIBERATION FRONT (OLF) Oromo Liberation Front-OLF/ABO , people’s Assembly


    Oromo Liberation Front-OLF/ABO , people’s Assembly

    “people’s Assembly ′′ at this time, regarding the office of the prime minister, Finfinnee
    (March 12, 2021)
    They broke out from ABO’s group with action, created by foreign electoral board and money supported by our party, especially our leader, to clean this issue, the national election board of Ethiopia, is aimed for our party. The Ethiopian Electoral Board has supported the committee to solve the issue of ABO before the next election. In this way, the ABO Organizer Committee is working for its implementation. Regarding this issue the electoral board of Ethiopia has been announced legally. Soon the course will start to work closely and communicate effectively. For example, we are announcing the movement and how long we succeed in Ethiopia’s electoral board. In the same manner, the electoral board of our party has announced how to organize the election of our party. The office of our prime minister in Finfine is closed by Finfine city police. Apart from this, on 25/02/2021, we have asked ABO to create a good condition for the Ethiopian Electoral Board to open our prime minister’s offices and to conduct correction.
    On 01/08/2020, the Finfine police commission will be closed by force by the order of our prime minister. Starting from this day, our prime minister’s office has been under control of Finfine Police commission and all the work done in the office and around the office. Despite the fact that we are receiving information, there are many illegal meetings in the office of the government that broke out of the party. According to the information we received, on 12/03/2021, ABO wrote a letter of law to the Finfine Police Commission. However, the police will take what they are doing when they are not responsible for the Finfine police commission.
    The meeting of our prime minister’s office is underway by those who broke out of the party completely should not be allowed. Also, this is the lack of accountability that is being held at this illegal meeting. The body that broke from the party should not have the constitution of the nation, constitution and the law of the Ethiopian Electoral Board to break the number of A11 62/ 2019 constitution. The Finfine Police Commission broke from the party is known in our office and the permission of the elders of the people, this is also, from August 01, 2020 including our employees and members, ABO leader He didn’t have the authority to get out of office.
    So, Oromo people, Ethiopian people, and the international community want to understand ABO in illegal act, unfair and political robbery are being done and pushed to the country to more violence. The general accountability of this government and the government are doing this illegal act.
    This high mistake, we ask the Ethiopian Electoral Board to correct the parts of justice, and the government’s actions including the government officials – especially the Finfine Police Commission to correct it.
    Thanks to our members and supporters for waking up to this fake meeting and taking part in full force; we will continue to work hard to keep their party.
    Victory is for the people of Bald!

    The difference between Oromo freedom
    March 12, 2021

    Ethiopia Autonomous Media