The Amhara Fano Showa Celebrates Victory over Brihanu Jula’s Genocidal Forces In a significant turn of events, the Amhara Fano Showa has proudly announced their triumph over the genocidal forces of criminal Brihanu Jula. The decisive victory was achieved in the...
Many apologies to our Amhara compatriots for the lack of communication for some time about the current genocide and injustice being perpetrated against the Amhara people. However, we have been using other channels to mobilise and give a political direction to the...
Great news of victory from the Showa governorate in the Merhabet district! The Magdala brigade, under the command of the Shawa province, under the leadership of Fitaurari Bayu (Aba Dannew), an Amara Fano of the non-residents, had a spectacular adventure! Udamina, the...
In Military science, when a military division suffers defeat, you then understand that the war was not right in the first place. However, when you lose more than two divisions, the only option to overcome the humiliation, is to surrender or to seek for a peace without...
The Ethiopia House of Peoples’ Representatives has decided to establish a special committee to investigate crimes against humanity committed against innocent Ethiopians in various parts of the country and make recommendations for the next steps. The council, in...