The long awaited speech by dictator Abiy Ahmed, was full of pork pies (lies). Let’s analyse the dictator’s pork pies. The COVID-19 pandemic and Abiy’s wars have particularly affected the tourism, air transport, hospitability and manufacturing...
Media has a pervasive power for good or bad. Ethiopia suffers a lot from negative media presentations, even though the country hosts many glamorous conferences. And also its tangible and intangible tourist attractions can serve as a tool to change the images of the...
In a bizarre twist of events, the blood thirsty Ethiopian regime, has called upon the international community to support Ethiopia’s overtures for peace. The war mongering regime, claims to be committed to forge an all-inclusive national dialogue. This was communicated...
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia condemns in the strongest possible terms the escalation and provocative behaviour of the Government of the Sudan regarding the boundary issue between Ethiopia and the Sudan. Ethiopia...
The Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, presented part one of his remarks to members of the House of Peoples’ Representatives on current affairs in our country. We read about the conspiracy of the greedy TPLF Junta before the power of change came to power, and then the...