In a ceremony characterised by vibrant celebration and heartfelt emotion, the Ethiopian diaspora was warmly welcomed to Bishoftu City, a picturesque town in Ethiopia renowned for its rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. The event, held under the auspices of the...
Many apologies to our Amhara compatriots for the lack of communication for some time about the current genocide and injustice being perpetrated against the Amhara people. However, we have been using other channels to mobilise and give a political direction to the...
Axum, the Seat of the earliest Ethiopian kingdom and one of the holiest grounds, the Church of St. Mary of Zion. The earliest monasteries in Ethiopia, established by the ” Nine Saints ” who spread the gospel are also found in Tigray. Thus, it is properly...
When you thought that this year will be the beginning of a progressive Ethiopia that champions national reconciliation and development, but no the case. Instead the criminal regime of fascist Abiy Ahmed did what it knows best, pouring more salt in the wounds of its...
The Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, presented part one of his remarks to members of the House of Peoples’ Representatives on current affairs in our country. We read about the conspiracy of the greedy TPLF Junta before the power of change came to power, and then the...