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Bulbula Agricultural Park will be commissioned at the end of April.

Bulbula Agricultural ParkThe E.P.D.R Ministry of Trade and Industry, Mr. Melaku Alebel’s announced that the general building chapter of the park is in good condition. Mr. Melaku said that just launching the park is meaningless, making the park comfortable for the investors is more important than anything else.
Bulbula Agricultural ParkAto Teka Gebre, participated in the visit and the construction process of the park and the development of the park, especially the ministry of pharmacy and the ministry of power supply.

Bulbula Agricultural Park

Bulbula Agricultural Park

Oromia Regional Agricultural Organization Parks coordinator Mr Sisay Gemechu stated that building this park and getting into work for the people of the region is great.
Bulbula Agricultural ParkAlthough many investors have shown high interest in renting the park, the organizer said that the construction process is not completed, investors will not enter the park. Therefore, the regional government has asked the office to give him the attention of the issue by putting it into recognition.
Bulbula Agricultural ParkFinally, the ministry will be inaugurated with its concern and commissioned of the park by the end of April.
