The Culture of killing innocent unarmed Ethiopians has always been perfected by all seating regimes. The killings of yesterday are taking place today unabated. Today’s killings are being carried out by politicians that’re squabbling among themselves. It has nothing to do with Ethiopians hating themselves. However, we’ve seen an increased hate among Tigrayan, Amhara and Oromo people. The hate is triggered by power hungry extremists that, don’t care about the common people, but themselves.
Not intending to offend Ethiopians. But the fact remains, most of our people are very gullible, and can easily be misled by opportunists to carry out their dirty work. It’s without a doubt, Ethiopia is not short of intellectuals, goodhearted and kind people, caring and loving, puppets & sycophants, gullible & brainwashed, corrupt & greedy, self seekers & opportunists, corrupt & thieves, rapists, murderers, and of course victims.
The victims are the forgotten ones in the killing spree of unarmed Ethiopians. The trauma and pain they’re are going through is unimaginable…..Meanwhile, the parasitic political class are busy doing what they know best. That of killing, displacing and dividing people. Today, we also have another group of News junkies…they’re everywhere looking for the latest news about their killers…where have they reached, and how many have they killed and displaced.
The News Junkies are not only Ethiopians, but the global political class, the NGO vultures-looking for a picture of our emaciated brothers and sisters, so they can solicit for funding to live an Expatriate lifestyle, the dogs of war aka arms dealer, pseudo pan Africanists(Genuine Pan Africanism died long-time ago-the pan Africa you see today, is like a clean glass of water with spit in it). The racists are religiously following the bloodbath in Ethiopia as they feel good and happy when Africans are killing each other, Stock market gamblers-of late the Ethiopian war stock has been doing well…that’s why the Abiy Ahmed wars have a very long way to go. Because his their project in arms testing.
The one thing that most people tend to overlook, is the development of Ethiopia’s cultures with time and lingua franca that most Ethiopians use. The majority of Ethiopians being speakers of Amharic, thus Amharic being Ethiopia’s principal language, and government’s official language. The majority of Ethiopians have not been exposed to the culture of critical thinking.
Yes, Amharic is a good language and has played a key role at the unity of Ethiopians. However, not many self development and knowledge based books that are written in Amharic are out there. That creates a society that is prone to mental slavery and exploitation by opportunistic forces. Thus, having a different point of view, automatically makes you an enemy. That’s why every regime of the day in Ethiopia, has always ruthlessly curbed down the Freedom of expression, and its not about to end now.
That’s why dictator Abiy Ahmed and his cabal of criminals are able to manipulate the politically unconscious Ethiopians, that they’re fighting for the existence of Ethiopia. If Ethiopia’s existence depends on one person without negotiating with the aggrieved, then Ethiopia is not a Country, but a Limited Company. With an extremist leadership in Ethiopia, it’s very easy to arrest journalists and critical voices without due process-Kangaroo courts become the order of the day. That’s why, when a group of Ethiopians raised their political grievances, the Abiy Ahmed cabal was quick to label them terrorists as has been the case with OLA and TPLF.
However, due to the scarcity of critical knowledge-based information that is written in Amharic, the Abiy Ahmed cabal can say anything they want, and can be taken as the real gospel, and the sheeple will buy it. This has been the case when pluralism has been used against Tigrayans and Oromos. The Ethiopia unity depends on its peoples, and not by a cabal that rejects pluralism and bombs its own people into building a phony identity called Ethiopianess. Why not accept the diversity and collectively establish a system that represents everyone??? Of course not! Because in the first place, Criminal Abiy Ahmed and his cabal, they’ve never held Ethiopianess in their hearts, but criminality and parasitism is what they’ve mastered in life.
Just imagine, the amount of money that is being spent on brainwashing gullible Ethiopians to hate Tigrayans and Oromos. To the extent that, the hatred poison is being polluted among Ethiopian diaspora. It’s very difficult for Ethiopians that thought living in Ethiopian community was a great thing, and are now being discriminated by their own. Some backward Ethiopians in the taxi business, are refusing to transport their fellow Ethiopians, because they happen to be Amhara, Oromo, or Tigrayans. Some Ethiopian churches are openly discriminating Ethiopians based on their identity. The mafioso run Ethiopian Embassies, have shamelessly organised functions for the purpose of belittling Oromos and Tigrayans.
Real and Patriotic Ethiopians would be educating their people how to eradicate poverty, build schools, hospitals, community services, etc. True Ethiopianess, is not about waving a piece of cloth and yapping ” Ethiopia…..Ethiopia!!“. But your identity, belief and love for your neighbour is what makes one an Ethiopian. The moment you start murdering, imprisoning, discriminating, starving, raping, displacing and exiling your neighbours because they want to keep their identity, then you seize to be an Ethiopian, but a lowlife criminal.
Those acting to be the holiest of the holly. How comes you have no negroid people in most Ethiopian public institutions, and how comes all your loved ones are living abroad and not with you in Ethiopia??
To Be continued!!
Ethiopia Autonomous Media
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