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Training and evaluation of Diredawa city administration, Harar and Somali region land and planning sector professionals has started at Diredawa University.
City Revenue Reform Project Office of the Ministry of Urban and Infrastructure in collaboration with Diredawa University for land and planners from Harari and Somali Region and other stakeholders.

DiredawaContinuous training and evaluation program is underway at Dire Dawa University.
The opening speech was made by the minister of city and infrastructure, city administration and service sector, Mr. Fanta Dejen, who was present at the launch of the training, said that our office is working with a lot of attention to ensure the development of cities, and for this our work, identifying important issues and coordinating stakeholders to implement basic agendas of cities. 

As the minister DEA said, it is understood that urban development plays an indispensable role in the economic development of the country. And since urban land is the key issue for urban development, it is not possible to say that urban development agenda and urban land are two sides of the same coin.Diredawa
The president of Dire Dawa University Dr. Ubah Adem said in his welcoming speech, he said that we need an expert who trains from level 2 to level 5 in the urban land and planning sector and produces professionals who are trained in the field of technology.
The president said that since Diredawa is an industrial and commercial city, the necessary technology transition and modernise the limited land management of the city, the trainees should come out with the knowledge to solve the challenges that arise in land and planning professionals

land and planning professionals

land and planning professionals

land and planning professionals

land and planning professionals
It was stated that the training and evaluation will focus on cadastre survey, urban planning, cadastre registration system and real property valuation. Besides the official opening of the training platform, a training site visit was also done.

The construction & design bureaus in Dire Dawa Adminstration, Harari & Somali region states are giving license to those who are not qualified contractors, but private importers. it is better to take corrective action in respective regions on private importers who do other businesses in the name of contractors.
Ato Abdul-Aziz (the head of Harari region construction & licensing) is providing official letter to all civil engineers to import cars in the name of fake contractors. These activities are conducted through secret agreements with regional investment office.
