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Colonel Amsalu Alemnew’s funeral was held in south Gondar zone Farta woreda Gasay city cathedral medhanialem church on April 25/2015.
Colonel Amsalu Alemnew was born in 1964.
After that, as he grew up under special care of his parents, he became a well-known person by obeying his parents and fulfilling his parents’ will. Colonel Amsalu joined the struggle during the 1982 war between Derguehat and TPLF when TPLF controlled part Amhara and part Guna, he was just a child and expressed that he wanted to follow the fighters and fight. Colonel Amsaleu in Addis Zemen The training institute had saved the trust of the trainers from the training army by completing the military profession that it was given to them in 1983 E.C.

Colonel Amsalu Alemnew
Colonel Amsalu after his training as Awagi Mekonnen, he was a soldier who fought with the army brigade campaign in Guna, Gojam, Negele Borna from 1983 to 1987, he proved that he was a victorious and visionary Mekonnen.
Colonel Amsalu Dolo, the enemy of Dolo Somalia was punished in 1989 and liberated Somalia.
Colonel Amsalu was the deputy commander in the 1990 Ethiopian-Eritrea war in Badime and Shiraro when they invaded Badime, Shiraro, by lining up in Bure, Zalanbesa taxis, defeating the enemy with weapons and morale, and attaining superiority, he has done a job that will be passed on to generations.
Colonel Amsalu, commander of 22nd division regiment in the battles in Badime in 1991 E.C. Debate Mengul Shibebet were the diamond Mekonen who destroyed the enemy in 25 minutes and planted Ethiopian flag on the liberated land and proved the power of Ethiopia to the world.
Colonel Amsalu, the 22nd regiment led by was transferred to Regiment 8 in 2006 E.C. and he joined the 30th division and served as the top commander of the 30th division.

Colonel Amsalu Alemnew

Colonel Amsalu Alemnew

Colonel Amsalu Alemnew

Colonel Amsalu Alemnew

Colonel Amsalu Alemnew

Colonel Amsalu Alemnew

Colonel Amsalu Alemnew

Colonel Amsalu Alemnew

Colonel Amsalu Alemnew

Colonel Amsalu Alemnew

Colonel Amsalu Alemnew

Colonel Amsalu AlemnewColonel Amsalu has proved his ability to be a peace keeper in foreign countries during his years in South Sudan, Liberia and Darfur.
Colonel Amsalu was the commander of 49th mechanized division and punished the enemy with his army.
Colonel Amsalu was a senior officer who was awarded a gold medal for graduating from the Debrezeit military training degree program for 3 consecutive years with certificate. Colonel Amsaleu joined the FDRE army for 33 years from 1982 to 2015 he defended the constitution and the constitutional system from internal extremists and anti-development forces and beyond him in the east. He was a hero colonel who has been doing a lot of things to ensure regional stability and peace, by fulfilling his mission in a way that made his people proud, by controlling the conflicts that rose in different places and returning to his former life.

Colonel Amsalu was married and a father of one son. His funeral was held in the presence of South Gondar zone leaders, Farta woreda leaders, struggle friends and relatives on April 25/2015 E.C in Gasay city at Cathedral Medhanialem church.


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